Carol and Crystal love the lives
they share in Corbin's Bend with their nine year old daughter Brianna.
Carol is a taken in hand bundle of fun but she is not a Susie homemaker. Their
house is often times a mess. She'd rather spend time living life than cleaning.
She loves Crystal and Brianna and she loves spending time with her friends. She
often finds herself over her girlfriends knee for a bare bottomed spanking for
getting her priorities wrong.
Crystal is a fire-fighter and the head of their loving home. She's fit, neat
and organised. Apart from her career, Carol and Brianna are her world, and
while she knows friendships are important, she feels somewhat threatened by how
much her girl shares with her friends and not with her.
When Carol decides she wants a baby, it throws their house into a spin. Crystal
isn't sure and wants to wait. When Carol's three naughty friends from Leading
the Way (4th in the Corbin's Series) see how disappointed their friend is, they
help the young mom go on a sperm search with hilarious results. Only problem
is, Crystal knows nothing about their hijinks.
Can a punishment fix this mess or will what Crystal sees as disloyalty tear
them apart?

Dashed Dreams!
Excitement is a hard thing to
repress. I remember when I was a little girl (just a short while ago) if
something good happened, I would run all the way home, bursting through the
back gate, slamming it shut and making a beeline for my mum. I just had to get
out the news.
I remember one day at school, my
friends and I decided we would have a party. On the way home we stopped at one
girl’s house to put the idea to her mother, no dice. The dream slipped a
little. We stopped at the next girls house; no joy the there either. Mine was the
final house only I was on my own by then, each of my friends having been made
to stay at their own houses. I ran the rest of the way home, just dying to
inform my mum that we would have to be the ones to have the party
because I was the last chance. Things didn’t go as well as I planned. I was an
hour late home and everyone had been out looking for me. Trust me, I did not
get the reaction I had hoped for.
Carol didn’t get the reaction she’d
hoped for either when she told
Crystal that she wanted to have a
“Dinner was fun,” Carol said after
Bri had left to get ready for bed. It had been nice to sit at the table and
hear all about the school news. She usually heard what was going on, either on
the way home or while they were at the grocery store or on their way to soccer
practice, but it was Crystal that often missed out when she was on shift at the
fire station. Brianna had usually gone on to the next piece of news by the time
her momma was home.
“Yes it was,” Crystal said. “I
never would have found out that Jeremy Spinks liked Amelia who’s never going to
love him in a million years because she hates red heads.”
“I know right? Remind me not to
invite that little witch to Bri’s birthday party.”
“You can’t do that,” Crystal said.
“They’re just kids.”
“I can.”
“You won’t,” Crystal said. “Anyway,
when did we decide that Bri was having a birthday party, it isn’t for months?”
“When Amelia decided she hated red
“You can’t get a set on a nine-year
old. Anyway, I’ve waited long enough. I want to hear your news.”
“Okay,” Carol said. “Here’s the
thing. I was thinking today that I’m almost thirty and I have a few things that
I’d like to experience in my life that I haven’t got to yet. I’ve decided—”
“Yes?” Crystal said when she
paused. “Just say it.”
“I want to have a baby.” Her eyes
were shut tight and she couldn’t bring herself to open them to see the look on
Crystal’s face.
“Open them, Carol. I’m still here.”
“You don’t want to, I can tell,”
she said when she did finally open her eyes to her girlfriend’s blank face. She
wasn’t giving much away.
“It’s a big thing, Carol, having a
baby.” Crystal put her hand over Carol’s, her thumb tracing delicate circles on
the soft skin.
“I know. I was there with
Bri.” Carol could feel hurt bubbling. She wanted to say that she had been the
one raising Bri but she didn’t want to be petty or to lessen the love she had
for their first child by making it sound like raising her was a chore. She’d
loved every minute of being a Mommy. Well maybe not the temper tantrums and the
homework was hit and miss, but nothing in life was perfect was it?
“I know that, honey, you were there
then, you have been there ever since.”
“Then why don’t you want to have a
baby with me?”
“I didn’t say that I didn’t want to
have a baby with you. It just seems kind of sudden. You’ve never so much as
hinted at the fact that you wanted another child. You certainly have never
mentioned carrying a child.”
“It just dawned on me today.”
“Hmm. Where were you when you had
this epiphany?” Crystal asked.
“Does it matter?” Carol asked
pulling her hand out from underneath Crystal’s.
“It might,” Crystal said. “If for
instance, the idea wasn’t your own.”
“It was, I told you. I want to have
a baby!”
“Were you with the girls?”
“Brianna and her friends?” Carol
asked with feigned ignorance.
“Must I name them? Your partners in
crime: Jen, Sienna and Erin.”
“They didn’t decide for me.”
“Were you with them when you
decided you wanted to have a baby? Yes or no?”
Carol sighed. “Yes.”
“I need to think about this,”
Crystal said. “We need to think about this.”
“What’s to think about?”
“This kind of important decision is
one that any couple has to take seriously, Carol.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Keep your voice down,” Crystal
said firmly. “It’s not like deciding you’ll try a recipe that someone else has
made and liked.”
“You’re pissed because I want to
have a baby,” Carol said, lowering her voice slightly so Brianna didn’t hear,
but she was so disappointed with how this was going.
“Even if it just crossed your mind
that you wanted to have another baby, you should have come to me. I should
be the one that you share an important thing like that with first.”
“You’re jealous? Of my friends?”
“No, it isn’t that,” Crystal said.
“It affects me. It affects this household. It isn’t going to make a difference
to Jen’s life if you have a baby, and I’m sure not going to decide in one
conversation, in one night that we are going to have a baby because your friends
think it’s a fun idea.”
“Are you two fighting?” a small
voice said from the doorway.
“No, baby,” Carol said, immediately
going to Brianna to comfort her. “We were having a heated debate about
Brianna looked from one to the
other of her parents. “Are you sure?” she asked her momma.
“Yes, we’re sure,” Crystal said,
kissing her daughter’s head and wrapping an arm around Carol’s waist to
reassure her.
“Okay,” Brianna said, heading back
to the living room.
“Five minutes, Bri,” Carol called.
“It’s nearly bedtime.”
“This conversation isn’t over,
Carol. We’ll save it ‘til later.”
“What’s the point?” Carol said,
tossing a dinner plate into the dishwasher. “You just let me know what you
decide about my life.”
“Pardon me?” Crystal said. She took
the remaining plates and placed then carefully on the racks of the dishwasher.
“You need to calm down and be reasonable before you get yourself in trouble.”
“I can get in trouble for wanting
to have a baby?”
“Of course not. Don’t think you
won’t get yourself in trouble if you don’t take a hold of your tongue though.”
Carol’s face colored. “Yes, ma’am,
I’ll try.” She would try but it wouldn’t be easy.
This hadn’t gone at all as she
planned. Being calm and respectful was the last thing she felt like. She felt
like telling her girlfriend exactly what she thought of her lack of support.
She shut the dishwasher and pressed the buttons to start it with a little more
enthusiasm than was probably needed.
Constance Masters is a writer of
spanking romantic fiction. Her stories are a little like real life, with
families, fun, laughter and people that love each other while living within a
domestic discipline lifestyle. At this time she has twelve published books.
Constance loves to write and loves
that she is able to fit that into her busy home life in Australia. She has a
husband, five children and four grandchildren all of whom she loves to spend
time with. She also loves watching crime shows and reality television. Extreme
chocoholic and lover of champagne.